Up2Us Training
Since our founding in 2010, Up2us Sports has developed the first-of-its kind Sports-Based Youth Development training for youth sports providers across the nation. This training helps coaches and staff to develop life skills among their athletes through a trauma-informed approach.
Achieving High Quality Coach Training

In November 2023, The United States Center for Coaching Excellence (USCCE) successfully accredited Up2Us Sports’ Sports-Based Youth Development training program under the USCCE’s National Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE).
coaches trained
hours of training for each coach
*Above numbers are accurate as of December 16, 2024
Training Stories From The Blog
On Friday, September 13, 2024, Up2Us Sports staff facilitated the first-ever DEER Day event for front office staff from the Milwaukee Bucks.
VoyageBaltimore - a publication known for sharing Baltimore's most inspiring stories - featured Up2Us Sports Training Manager Samantha Griffin in their Hidden Gems column.
Up2Us Sports and Morgan Stanley’s Alliance for Children's Mental Health have joined forces to develop an exclusive six-part series tailored specifically for SBYD coaches.
The Up2Us Sports Training Team recently finished a successful year-long training series with the Southern California Golf Association’s Junior Golf Foundation.
This Native American Heritage Month, we are shining a light on Inter Tribal Sports. The Up2Us Sports Training Team recently finished a series of training sessions with the San Diego-based organization, which provides athletic opportunities and values education in conjunction with cultural, physical, mental, and spiritual development.
In October, the Up2Us Sports Training Team partnered with Wrestle Like A Girl to bring our training to two groups of international women’s wrestling groups with the goal of equipping them with strategies to build a healthy team culture.
Up2Us Sports kicked off their new She Changes the Game® Coach Development Program on Wednesday, July 19th, 2023 at Philadelphia City Rowing’s training facility.
The Up2Us Sports Training Team recently launched a 9-month-long training partnership with Volo Kids Foundation in Baltimore to remove barriers to athletic participation.
On Friday, June 9, 2023, Up2Us Sports staff, coaches, and alumni coaches facilitated the annual Halftime on Airline event for staff from the New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans.
Up2Us Sports Chicago has a new team member, but he is not new to the sports-based youth development (SBYD) field. Chicago native Jeffrey Harris is a former Up2Us Sports coach and is the newest Program Manager in his hometown.
The Up2Us Sports Training Team continued their international training opportunities through a collaboration with Women Win.
The Up2Us Sports Training Team recently partnered with FHI 360 to provide training to adaptive sports coaches and administrators from Portugal and Vietnam. FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions.
On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Up2Us Sports gave a virtual training for five individuals in India who are coaches, trainers, and leaders working with youth in their respective communities. Their work is done alongside World Learning.
Powered by the LA84 Foundation, Up2Us Sports will host a FREE 6-week citywide training series for LA-based coaches and Sports Based Youth Development (SBYD) practitioners.
On June 2, 2020, our Up2Us Sports Training Team hosted part 1 of a Virtual Training on Building Healthy Competition for Up2Us Sports coaches and on June 9, 2020, they hosted part 2.
Changing Your Coaching in 7 Words or Less teaches participants a collection of strategies built around phrases, each 7 words or less, that we can actually say to kids to help build meaningful relationships and provide powerful support in and out of the sports context. Available in English and Spanish.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has become a popular topic within youth development programming, and rightly so. At Up2Us Sports, our training is focused on building SEL skills on and off the playing field in an effort to approach youth development in a holistic manner. Read more about how to incorporate the SEL framework into your practice.
On May 19, 2020, Up2Us Sports hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches with Coach Macky of Steady Buckets.
Our Coach Scaffold in Stress Management PDF offers tips on how coaches can identify and manage stress for themselves and their team.
On May 5, 2020, Up2Us Sports Training Director Nate hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches.
Our Adaptive Coaching Guide is for all coaches and will direct a coach’s development of adapted physical activity and practice sessions to continue to do the “more” work of a sports-based youth development coach in both life skill development and sport skill development.
On April 21, 2020, our Up2Us Sports Training Manager Thomas hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches.
On April 7, 2020, Up2Us Sports hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches. Up2Us Sports believes self-care plays an integral role in mitigating the stress response. This webinar focuses on how we can take those foundational coaching skills we use all the time with our young people and apply them to ourselves.
Please join adidas and Up2Us Sports in New York City on October 11 - International Day of the Girl - for a coaching clinic in support of female athletes that will explore a brand new digital coaching curriculum available to all.
Please join adidas and Up2Us Sports in Los Angeles on October 11 - International Day of the Girl - for a coaching clinic in support of female athletes that will explore a brand new digital coaching curriculum available to all.
A key component of Up2Us Sports’ training is the role of reflection in helping inspire growth, development, healing, and appreciation. As 2018 nears its end, the training team at Up2Us Sports would like to reflect on all this past year has brought us.
On Saturday, September 15, Mayor Darrell Steinberg paid a visit to the Up2Us Sports Coach Training Institute in Sacramento. The event, which ran from September 14-18, was for newly selected coaches from Up2Us Sports' national service program.