Adaptive Coaching During COVID-19

Due to the effects of COVID-19, youth all over the world have been separated from the safety and enjoyment of their teams and coaches. #Up2UsSportsAtHome provides free resources, videos, and virtual training opportunities to help coaches keep their teams physically, socially, and emotionally healthy. 

One of the resources included in #Up2UsSportsAtHome is our Adaptive Coaching Guide. This guide for all coaches and will direct a coach’s development of adapted physical activity and practice sessions to continue to do the “more” work of a sports-based youth development coach in both life skill development and sport skill development. Above all, the guide works under two guiding principles: 1) Growth Mindset; and 2) Coaching for Outcomes

Growth Mindset will ensure that coaches are continuing to believe not only in their athletes’ ability to build skills, but also in their own ingenuity as coaches to adapt to whatever challenges athletes, sports, or COVID-19 throws at them. The second principle, Coaching for Outcomes, will ensure that coaches focus on what outcomes they want for their athletes in sport or life skills, and that they tailor their activities to practice those skills. 

To get more trauma sensitive distance coaching tips and view the rest of our distance coaching portal, visit