On Friday, September 13, 2024, Up2Us Sports staff facilitated the first-ever DEER Day event for front office staff from the Milwaukee Bucks. DEER Day serves as a staff appreciation event designed to foster team building, camaraderie, and enhance communication skills with dynamic field day-style activities and prizes.
In addition to trivia challenges and a puzzle assembling icebreaker, the Up2Us Sports team facilitated energetic activities for 160 individuals during the day’s events including Connect Four Football, Battleship, RoShamBo Relay, Hoops-ket Ball, Human Ring Toss, Tic Tac Toe Relay, Life Size Memory and the communication building Maze Game in a competitive and fun morning of activity!
See photos below from the event.

If you are interested in learning about what our National Training Team can do for your organization, you can learn more here or fill our our Training Interest Form to have a conversation with someone from the team.