Philanthropists, Celebrities and Athletes Unite to Raise over $400,000 for Up2Us Sports at Annual Gala

Philanthropists, Celebrities and Athletes Unite to Raise over $400,000 for Up2Us Sports at Annual Gala

Up2Us Sports, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to inspiring youth through coaching and sports, welcomed celebrities and pro athletes to its annual gala at Guastavino’s in New York City on Wednesday.

Up2Us Sports Receives $2.6 Million in National and State AmeriCorps Funding

Up2Us Sports Receives $2.6 Million in National and State AmeriCorps Funding

Through Up2Us Sports’ national coaching program, 300 AmeriCorps members will be trained to coach and mentor low-­income youth to make better decisions, stay healthy, and reach their potential, through the power of sports. The $2.6 million in grants from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will support AmeriCorps members nationally with added support from CaliforniaVolunteers, Serve Illinois, Volunteer Louisiana, PennServe and Serve Washington.

Trailblazer Coach Collette V. Smith Joins Up2Us Sports as Ambassador

Trailblazer Coach Collette V. Smith Joins Up2Us Sports as Ambassador

Up2Us Sports announced this week that Collette V. Smith, the NFL’s first African American female coach in history and New York Jets first female coach in their franchise history, has joined the organization as an Ambassador.