My experience as an AmeriCorps service member through Up2Us Sports has been great. I’ve learned how to have patience, help others, and, more importantly, become a better coach for my kids. Before joining Up2Us Sports as a coach at StreetSquash, my goal as a coach was to make sure that my students learned the skills that they need for squash and for their lives outside of practice.
With the help of Up2Us Sports, I am now able to combine life skills and squash skills at every practice. My students appreciate it as well and are always eager to learn more. Although, there are some days when my kids aren’t at a 100% for practice, and requires me to be more patient with them. Days like those makes me appreciate Up2Us Sports, and being an AmeriCorps service member, even more because they taught me the correct way to deal with situations like these, in a way where me and my students aren’t at a constant disagreement.
“My number one priority is to make sure that my students know that there is someone they can talk to about anything, and will support them no matter what.”
I specifically learned these skills during the National Coach Training Institute that Up2Us Sports hosted for the coaches and this helped me a lot. I was taught how to deal with students when they are frustrated, and how to help them become less stressed and continue to push forward through the rest of the day. Overall, throughout everything I’ve learned, I can now say that Up2Us Sports has pushed my coaching to a whole other level. I am now more involved with my students than what I originally was and have learned how I can help them become the best version of themselves. My number one priority is to make sure that my students know that there is someone they can talk to about anything, and will support them no matter what. That’s what being a SYBD coach is all about!