Women's History Month: Up2Us Sports Female Ambassadors

Women's History Month: Up2Us Sports Female Ambassadors

Women's History Month is held annually in March to highlight the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. Up2Us Sports works with five female ambassadors who have all made their mark on their respective sports, and each hold a small - or in some cases, large - piece of history.

Unapologetic, Part 2: Coach Melika Clark

Unapologetic, Part 2: Coach Melika Clark

In this two-part series, we interview two of our coaches from Fenway High School in Boston, Massachusetts. They each spoke about their lives, coaching, National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Black History Month & womanhood. Our second story features Coach Melika Clark, who overcame the obstacles of her hometown and the loss of her mother to truly find her passion.

Unapologetic, Part 1: Coach Chandlor Lyles

Unapologetic, Part 1: Coach Chandlor Lyles

In this two-part series, we interview two of our coaches from Fenway High School in Boston, Massachusetts. They each spoke about their lives, coaching, National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Black History Month & womanhood. Our first story features Coach Chandlor Lyles, a Boston native who returned to her alma mater to create a safe and open space for her students.

Up2Us Sports Celebrates 33rd Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Up2Us Sports Celebrates 33rd Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day

On February 6, 2019 we celebrate the 33rd Annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day (NGWSD). This nationwide celebration acknowledges the accomplishments of all female athletes and honors the progress, as well as the continued struggle, women have made for equality in sports.  

Up2Us Sports Participates in MLK Day of Service Events

Up2Us Sports Participates in MLK Day of Service Events

Over the past week, Up2Us Sports staff and coaches in Chicago, Miami and New Orleans have participated in the Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) MLK Day of Service. In 1994, Congress designated the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday as a national day of service and, fittingly, charged CNCS with leading this effort.

Happy 9th Anniversary, Up2Us Sports!

Happy 9th Anniversary, Up2Us Sports!

On January 12, 2019 Up2Us Sports will celebrate it’s ninth anniversary! We asked our Founder & CEO Paul Caccamo to reflect back on what nine years means and think about some of the moments that have sparked our momentum since 2010.

Chicago Coaches Help Young Athletes Navigate Waters

Chicago Coaches Help Young Athletes Navigate Waters

As part of the #ThanksCoach campaign, we spoke to Chicago Training Center (CTC) Executive Director Ashley Mayer as well as with coaches Curtis Miranda and Chey Correa, a pair of former CTC participants who now serve as Up2Us Coaches for the program.