You can’t know men’s soccer in the United States without knowing the name Landon Donovan. Read our Q&E with Landon focused on High Impact Attribute’s and how sports, in the hands of a highly trained coach, teach these same skills.
Virtual Training: Self Care & COVID-19 - Leaning On Our Foundations
On April 7, 2020, Up2Us Sports hosted a Virtual Training for Up2Us Sports coaches. Up2Us Sports believes self-care plays an integral role in mitigating the stress response. This webinar focuses on how we can take those foundational coaching skills we use all the time with our young people and apply them to ourselves.
Growth Within The Game Of Soccer
Serving During COVID-19: Coach Richard
Update from Up2Us Sports’ Founder & CEO
In this time of uncertainty, we are reminded of the important role that Up2Us Coaches and national service can play in addressing issues of community health and safety. Up2Us Sports is well aware that protecting our communities at this moment means minimizing exposure and that this will inevitably disrupt our programs. The health and well-being of our coaches and the youth they serve is of utmost importance.
Up2Us Sports Proves that #AmeriCorpsWorks
Since before the inception of Up2Us Sports, AmeriCorps has been by our side, providing grants to support service members to serve as youth sports coaches nationally. They awarded our Founder and CEO, Paul Caccamo, a grant in 2009 which helped officially launch the organization as the first national service program for coaches in America.
#MadeInAmeriCorps: Up2Us Sports Staff
Not only has AmeriCorps been integral to the people we serve and support, but it has also been integral to building the careers of many of our full-time staff members over the years. Over the past decade, numerous Up2Us Sports staff members have been service members at AmeriCorps-supported organizations before coming to work here.
Black History Month: Why Representation in Coaching Matters
Up2Us Sports Receives YES! Grant as Part of National Youth Sports Strategy
In September 2019, it was announced that Up2Us Sports was one of 16 national organizations awarded funding as part of the Youth Engagement in Sports: Collaboration to Improve Adolescent Physical Activity and Nutrition (YES) Initiative from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and managed by Office of Minority Health (OMH).
Let's Help #LeadHerForward On NGWSD
Hoop From The Heart 2020: 3-on-3 Charity Basketball Tournament
MLK Day of Service in Chicago, Miami, New Orleans and Seattle
On Monday, January 20th, 2020, Up2Us Sports staff and coaches in Chicago, Miami, New Orleans and Seattle participated in the Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) MLK Day of Service. In 1994, Congress designated the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday as a national day of service and, fittingly, charged CNCS with leading this effort.