On Monday, June 29, Up2Us Sports officially welcomed 180 Summer VISTAs to the 2020 Up2Us Sports Summer VISTA Program. 180 VISTAs started their nine-week service term at 100 nonprofit organizations nationwide. Their term will end on Friday, August 28th.
15 of the 180 VISTAs have been serving internally at Up2Us Sports in various capacities. We are excited to have this group of ambitious service members help our team across the nation, which will in turn help us better serve our 1,700+ member organizations, 470+ host sites and 250+ coaches in the days and months ahead.
We wanted you to get to know the 15 VISTAs who have spent their summer helping grow the capacity of Up2Us Sports from within.
Name: Monique Benjamin
Age: 20
What city are you located in?
Los Angeles, California
What department within Up2Us Sports are you serving in?
Programs - Los Angeles
What led you to want to do a service term, particularly right now?
I think now, more than ever, we have come to a critical cross-roads at the intersection of race relations and corona virus. The corona virus data is constantly showing us that our under-served communities are suffering at higher rates. I feel lucky to be in a position where my education has allowed me to think critically on these issues, but its not enough to just workshop my thoughts and ideas with classmates. I feel strongly that as someone young and able bodied, I have the power to work at the community level.
What does national service mean to you?
I grew up playing Little League Softball and the volunteer coaches and assistants played a critical role in shaping some of my best qualities: competitiveness, drive, and work ethic. I feel strongly that community service benefits all involved. It has been my experience, both being coached and returning to my Little League as a coach, that both the recipient and volunteer come away from the interaction with new skills, resources, and understandings. National service is a beautiful symbiotic relationship that leaves each party fulfilled and inspired.
What is one thing you hope to take away from your 9 weeks of service?
I would hope to come away from this experience with the ability to create and nurture interpersonal relationships with others, and the knowledge that I was able to, in some way or another, impact positive change on my local community.
Did you play sports and did It have an impact on why you decided to serve at a youth sports organization?
Sports allowed me to pick up my life, move across the country, and receive an Ivy League education. I whole-heartedly believe receiving my scholarship wouldn’t have been possible without the countless coaches who spent time developing me into a strong, independent thinker and athlete. I, personally, decided to serve at a youth sports organization so I could contribute to creating opportunities for others to set and achieve lofty goals.
“Monique Benjamin is an unapologetic All-Star team member in Los Angeles. From day one, she took on her summer VISTA responsibilities to help grow the capacity of our program outreach. Every day she showed up ready to work and support Up2Us Sports Los Angeles. She would practice using TLC praise ( did I get that right?) Overall, Monique is an amazingly talented young lady. We were so lucky to have her serving as a summer VISTA.”
“Monique is a leader and motivator. She is a fantastic asset to any team.”