Volunteer Louisiana Continues Funding for Up2Us Sports Coaches in New Orleans

Volunteer Louisiana Continues Funding for Up2Us Sports Coaches in New Orleans

For the tenth consecutive year, Up2Us Sports has received funding from Volunteer Louisiana, the state service commission of Louisiana. For the 2023-2034 year, the $272,440 grant will support 26 Up2Us Sports coaches around the parish of New Orleans.

Up2Us Sports AmeriCorps Members on LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Up2Us Sports AmeriCorps Members on LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Each June during Pride Month, Up2Us Sports celebrates and elevates the valuable contributions of our LGBTQ+ coaches, VISTAs, youth, staff and the broader community. We reaffirm our commitment to stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in their ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice.