Up2Us Sports staff and coaches in New Orleans, Chicago and Miami have participated in the Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) MLK Day of Service.
The New Face of National Service: Coaches
Up2Us Coach Program Evaluation Shows Positive Impact
Adam Rosante on the Power of Giving
Paul Caccamo: A Vision for a National Mentoring Movement
Sab Singh: Everybody Can Use A Coach
Miami Kickball Tournament Raises $40,000 for #SheCanCoach
Give a kid the gift of a mentor
At Up2Us Sports we are thankful for all of the sponsors who make our work possible. Because of your gifts, we are able to train coaches to mentors and place them in communities where kids need them the most. This week, we want to highlight some of the people and local sponsors that have helped us grow and expand to new communities in the last year.
It Started With VISTA: Finding a Cause I Believed In at Up2Us Sports
I have been lucky, I found an organization and culture that I have connected with. My comfort at Up2Us Sports has always started with the people. Everyone here cares about the work we’re doing, they’re passionate, smart, and hard-working. The environment makes coming to work every day really easy. I also just love the work.