Up2Us Coaches Nationwide Participate in MLK Day of Service

Up2Us Coaches Nationwide Participate in MLK Day of Service

Up2Us Sports staff and coaches in New Orleans, Chicago and Miami have participated in the Corporation for National and Community Service’s (CNCS) MLK Day of Service.

The New Face of National Service: Coaches

The New Face of National Service: Coaches

As we celebrate our 8th anniversary this week, we look to 2018 as the year in which we truly put coaches on the national service mapCoaches are more critical now than ever because they have the ability to influence young people in positive ways.

It Started With VISTA: Finding a Cause I Believed In at Up2Us Sports

It Started With VISTA: Finding a Cause I Believed In at Up2Us Sports

I have been lucky, I found an organization and culture that I have connected with. My comfort at Up2Us Sports has always started with the people. Everyone here cares about the work we’re doing, they’re passionate, smart, and hard-working. The environment makes coming to work every day really easy. I also just love the work.