Coach Sally is Changing the Lives of Children Everywhere Through Basketball

Coach Sally is Changing the Lives of Children Everywhere Through Basketball

Moving when you’re 12 years old is hard. Moving at any age is hard, but especially when you’re 12. Moving over 5,000 miles to a new country with a new language, to a town that most Americans can’t pinpoint on a map - that’s more than hard. That’s a 12 year-olds worst nightmare. Sally Nnamani did it when she was 12 and she survived. She overcame the nightmare. How, you ask? Basketball.

Q&A with Sam Sommers: Co-author of This is Your Brain on Sports

Q&A with Sam Sommers: Co-author of This is Your Brain on Sports

Sports is a powerful tool for youth development because there are so many ways in which it mirrors life. Participants learn to work with other people, solve problems creatively, try new things, keep doing things even when it’s difficult - all skills that can help them off the field.

INFOGRAPHIC: Why Girls Aren't Playing Sports and Why They Should Be

INFOGRAPHIC: Why Girls Aren't Playing Sports and Why They Should Be

Up2Us Sports and its Coach Across America are dedicated to promoting girls participation when it comes to playing and coaching sports.  Today we celebrate the 30th annual National Girls & Women in Sports Day, a national observance celebrating the extraordinary achievements of women and girls in sports.

Golf Coach Goes Back to His Home Course to Teach Young Golfers

Golf Coach Goes Back to His Home Course to Teach Young Golfers

Ryan Herd’s love for golf and helping others started back in high school when he took part in the Southern California Golf Association’s youth program. Ryan was a participant in SCGA’s Golf Pass program, which gave local youth access to various golf courses around Southern California for an extremely discounted price.

The 2016-2017 Call For Partnership is Live!


Work with us to advance sports-based youth development!  We offer Up2Us Sports member organizations the opportunity to host Coach Across America coaches or AmeriCorps VISTAs to work with youth and increase program capacity.  In addition, we offer onsite training and program-level consulting for organizations. Up2Us Sports is pleased to announce its 2016-2017 Call For Partnerships (CFP)!  Up2Us Sports is launching a new process for member organizations to designate ways they might like to interact with us from our growing menu of offerings, which include:

  • Hosting a coach through Coach Across America (CAA)
  • Training coaches
  • Receiving program-level consulting
  • Hosting a capacity-building AmeriCorps VISTA Member (VISTA)

In past years, we have managed each of these initiatives separately; in 2016-17, we are streamlining the process!

The CFP is a short screening form where you will indicate your interest in any of these Up2Us Sports initiatives. Once you’ve submitted the form, a member of our staff will reach out to you about next steps.

The CFP can be submitted at any time. We will send out a call for submissions twice throughout each calendar year, though we encourage updates at any time.

Click here to complete the CFP

Not a member?  Click here to sign up!

Have questions about the process? Watch the video below to walk through the CFP process.

Still have questions or want to know more?  Click here to send an email to Adrienne!

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