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Up2Us Coaches in NYC Participate in First Responder Training as 9/11 Day of Service

The 23rd anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, marks a solemn occasion for reflection, remembrance, and resilience. On a bright blue sunny day, smoke and ash filled the sky. Through the smoke and fire arose a new sense of determination, to never let this tragedy occur again. Nothing would be the same, but it would steel our resolve and bring us closer as a nation. The terrorist attacks on that fateful day not only reshaped the American landscape but also reverberated across the globe, leaving an indelible impact on national security, foreign policy, and the collective consciousness of a nation. As we commemorate this milestone, it is a time to honor the heroes and victims, reflect on the lessons learned, and recommit ourselves to the ongoing fight for peace.

In honor of the 23rd Anniversary of 9/11, and as part of AmeriCorps’ National Day of Service and Remembrance, the Up2Us Sports NYC Coach Team participated in a First Responder Training with World Cares Center.  Up2Us Coaches learned the importance of being able to respond to any disaster, whether it be a natural disaster or a terror event, and how to be safe and impactful in their communities while volunteering. They also learned the importance of knowing one’s physical and emotional limits in a disaster situation, as well as being emotionally aware of their surroundings.

The World Cares Center 9/11 First Responder Training Program stands as a beacon of preparedness and resilience in the face of disaster. With a rich history rooted in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, this program has been at the forefront of equipping first responders with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively navigate crises. Through a comprehensive curriculum, hands-on training modules, and a network of support, World Cares Center empowers individuals to not only respond to emergencies but also to build stronger, more resilient communities. The hope is that through this training, Up2Us Coaches will be aware of the opportunities available to them and that this training will help them down the road as they work with their athletes and the community.

The training shows just how crucial First Responder Training can be in building resilient communities by equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to respond effectively to emergencies. Through impactful partnerships, ongoing support for graduates, and a commitment to excellence in training,  The World Cares Center continues to be a beacon of preparedness and readiness in the face of uncertainty. By empowering individuals to be proactive and confident in emergencies, World Cares Center contributes to the safety and well-being of communities worldwide.