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Coach Nicole: Becoming a Teacher, a Golf Coach and an Inspiration for Girls

I am a 20 year old Latina from Los Angeles, California. I am currently a second year student attending Whittier College and I am studying Sociology and Music. I have been playing golf for 11 years now, and coaching in inner-city communities for 3 years. Golf has shaped me into the person I am today and the game continues to show me many skills on the course and off the course as well. Growing up I knew that becoming a professional golfer was not the path I was interested in taking. I wanted to go to school and become an educator. I knew that one day, I wanted to become a golf coach on the course, and a teacher in the classroom. I have learned so much from golf coaches that helped pave the way to where I am today, they impacted my game and my life so much that I knew I wanted to become that type of coach to kids who are just like me.

I am always willing to reach out and help others, whether it be in my community or other communities. No matter what it may be - before anything I am a friend who will always be there for you. Kids trust me, because I was in the same situation like they are in now. It's been my life goal to make a difference in this world. I want to start with erasing the stigma that sports define masculinity and boyhood. There needs to be more girls out on the sports fields. Girls need someone to look up to, not only in sport, but in life. I’m proud to say that I am that person, especially for our young girls. I do what I do to empower everyone and anyone, but most importantly the young girls. #SheCanCoach

Girls should not be scared to go out and do things that are considered male dominated. I grew up with a strong mentality that if a boy can do it, so can I…and probably better. Not everyone has that mentality, and that's okay. I will help guide these girls into that direction. Help them build a strong girl empowered mentality not just in sports, but for life. Up2Us Sports has given me the opportunity to coach golf and thanks to everyone involved with building better coaches through Up2Us Sports, my dreams are becoming a reality.